Have you ever wondered which direction you should go? Should I leave my job, should I switch careers, should I listen to my heart or to my head, should I go to school, should I listen to my family and friends? You spend so much time stressing about which direction you should go in that you don’t even stop long enough to listen to yourself and ask yourself what you want to do.

For many years listening to myself and making decisions for myself wasn’t something that I was very good at doing. I thought it would be easier if someone else would make those decisions for me since I had so much fear of making wrong decisions. Life would be so much easier if I could just get the answers that I needed. I mean why can’t all my answers just pop out of the sky and be like here are your answers and I wouldn’t have to search for them?

It took me two decades to finally discover that I had all the answers to my problems. I just needed to start listening to myself. You want to talk about uncomfortable, was I ever uncomfortable and honestly for a while I tried to deny it because I was not ready to take responsibility for it and I didn’t trust myself to have the right answers. 

It’s not that you can’t solve your own problem but the real question is do you trust yourself enough to solve it?
— Emily Adams

I started by listening to myself on small things and seeing how it went before I started listening on big decisions like moving and switching careers. I saw it was working and decided to implement it more into life. There were some things that I didn’t listen to myself and it turns out I should have listened to myself. I still ask myself if I am truly listen to myself when I go to make decisions. 

Learning how to listen to yourself not only will make you feel empowered but it also will give you the courage and strength to make decisions on your own when you are faced with challenges in life. Once you learn how to listen to yourself you don’t need to rely on anyone else but yourself to solve your problems. This is one of the reasons why I added this topic to my 30 Day Course, you can check it out here.

listen to yourself

Believing in yourself. You have to believe it before you see it and know that you have everything you need within yourself already. Believe that you have the answer and it is not separate from you. Once you believe this then you can find the answers you need. If you don’t believe that you have the answers already how are you going to ever trust yourself that you do have the answers? 

Be still so you can listen to yourself. You won’t find the answers you are searching for unless you are still and start to really listen to yourself. Being still is quieting your mind so you can actually hear what your heart is telling you to do. The thoughts and voices in your head will always be louder than what your heart will be. Ego yells and heart whispers.

Block out external noise. When you have people constantly giving you their opinions and thoughts about what you should and shouldn’t do then you start picking up thoughts and beliefs that aren’t even yours. You can be influenced by social media, TV, music, podcast, videos and other environments that can affect the way you make decisions. Be aware of the external noise and block it out in order to start listening to yourself.

Trust yourself. Trust that what is on your heart is what you need hear. Sometimes it is easier to doubt it then follow through with it since it takes courage to trust and follow through with things that are on our heart. Even when no one is believing in you and they are saying you are crazy for doing it, keep trusting in yourself because only you know yourself and what is best for you.

Stop overthinking it. Whatever comes to you comes to you. Just listen to it and stop overthinking it and questioning yourself over and over if you actually heard that or if you made it up in your mind. Don’t overthink it to the point where you start doubting yourself. Listen to this episode if you struggle with overthinking things.

Keep practicing. Practice asking yourself questions and answering them. How often do you text your friend or family and ask, “what should I do or what do you think I should do?” The next time you start to do this just ask yourself the question and answer it without asking anyone else. Remember you already have the answers to your problem.

Reading all of this may sound to good to be true but trust me, this is easier than you think and anyone can do it. It doesn’t take something special to do it. We were all created to listen to ourselves but there are so many things that have programmed us to not listen to ourselves or we feel like we can’t trust ourselves.  

Feel free to comment below with any questions that you have or send me a message via email or my social media links. If you are looking to expand your growth you can check out my 30 Day Course that will provide you the tools you need to get started!

Don’t forget to share this with someone that needs it!


Why You Suck As A Leader