
Hey There! I’m Emily.

I’m passionate about guiding and leading others to take control of their life and step into their own power as they go from surviving to thriving in all aspects of their life. My mission is to inspire, empower and impact as many people that I possibly can in my life.


Growing up

I grew up always asking “why” and dreaming of finding true happiness.

Born and raised in the Amish culture I always wondered why. Why did we live differently? Was there more to life than being Amish? Was there true happiness somewhere?

I was not your average Amish girl. I had no interest in learning how to cook, clean, sew or do anything girly. I was a tomboy who loved to be outside, playing sports and training horses.

At the age of 17 I made the decision to leave the culture and leave everything I had known my entire life. This was the first time in my life that I realized the amount of mental strength I had and the ability to believe in myself even when no one believed in me.

A year later I was pregnant with my oldest son, Jordan and got married at 19. A year into the verbal abusive marriage I knew I needed out but felt stuck since I just found out I was pregnant with my youngest son, Cameron. Fast forward two years I knew I needed to leave the abusive marriage for myself and my boys. Gathering up what strength I had, I filed for divorce and became a single mom.


Making the decision to invest in myself was the best decision I ever made.

After going through a rough divorce and nasty custody battle I knew I needed to make some life changes and start working on myself. I didn’t know who I was anymore, all I knew was that I was called to do more in life.

My life changes consisted of getting a gym membership and applying to go to college. I always had a desire to be an athlete and to be successful career woman. I wanted a degree since the Amish school only went to eighth grade and you were done learning for your life.

After taking the college testing I met with my student advisor where she told me that it was impossible to do what I wanted to do, to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in 4 years while working full time and being a single mom. Four years later I walked across the stage with my Bachelor’s degree.

At the same time I had dropped 65 pounds working out and cleaning up my nutrition. I ran multiple Spartan races and then I was introduced to powerlifting where I fell in love with the sport of competing. Working out and losing weight built my confidence and gave me the self esteem I needed. I realized that I was a lot stronger mentally and physically than I gave myself credit for.

Meanwhile I had gotten married to what I thought was the love of my life and 2 years later I went through divorce number two. Talk about a blow that I wasn’t prepared for. Going through this was devastating and I told myself I was done and I was going to actually find out who Emily was and find true happiness and that was my life mission.


Getting what I thought was my dream job and realizing I was called to make a bigger impact in the world.

After 12 years in the automotive industry and just landing what I thought was my dream job I realized this is not what made me happy or full-filled me. I knew I had a bigger calling in life and I needed to make a bigger impact in the world.

When I left the corporate world to be a coach, inspiring speaker and writer I realized that for the first time in my life I found true happiness and I was living a life full of purpose. I am passionate about helping others take control of their own life as they step into their power and start thriving in all aspects of their life and build the life they desire to live.

Finding happiness and purpose in life is priceless! If I can find it so can you, all you have to do is decide you want it.

Let’s Connect!